CERP Students International Congress together with the BALTIC PR WEEKEND, June 25 - July 1 2004, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
Why manage country image?
Governments are trying to market their image or brand. Every country needs to recognize that an image already exists. However, the image isn’t always under marketer’s control nor necessarily true. Stereotypes, political change and economic stability are the main reasons for misleading. Anyway, brand is an emotion and is at the heart of the country.
In the modern world every country faces the vital problems of creating its image.
The correlation of image and reality, the role of the advanced informational and humanitarian technologies, the struggle of every country for an appropriate place in the world community - these are the most important directions, which might be discussed.
Experts in informational and humanitarian technologies, state employees, responsible for informational policy and also for the general public, concerned with how to form a decent appearance of the country are responsible for media coverage of the national crisis situations.
How should they behave at crucial moments of the country's history such as the Kursk submarine disaster in Russia, or the conflict between the USA and Iraq, or the terrorist attacks in Israel? Is it possible to provide a positive country's image in crisis situation? |
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